Below there are riddles that identify which model car I drive.
If you cant work it out, there is a clue further down the page numbered
the same as the riddle. If you still can’t work it out, leave a message
I will reveal the answer.
1) I went to a dance class and people jokingly said my car suited it perfectly.
2) My car is a free spirited model, harking back to the American wild west.
3) My car very quick.
4) I think they should have named my car the Arabica.
5) I went to a multistory car park, but on my return, I realised I hadn’t take note of which floor I had parked on.
6) My wife had an accident in the car. I wanted to support her by saying she was in the right but it was her fault.
If you have to peek….
1) It’s a small Honda hatchback.
2) I sometimes just horse around in it.
3) It’s as quick as a bird.
4) It’s a new model Hyundai.
5) I was in a hurry and lost my focus.
6) I couldn’t defend her.