Ardith Starostka is an American
Portraits and figurative painter. Beginning at the age of twelve,
Ardith Starostka has had the desire to create works of art that capture
the likeness of the human face and form.
Basically self taught, Starostka found her inspiration in museums through the works of 19th century French academic painter William Adolphe Bouguereau and Dutch artist Rembrandt.
Starostka is a graduate of the
University of Nebraska with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and
an Associates degree in Art.
University of Nebraska with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and
an Associates degree in Art.

Starostka has continued her education
in fine art by attending workshops with distinguished artists, Nelson
Shanks, Daniel Greene and Richard Whitney.
in fine art by attending workshops with distinguished artists, Nelson
Shanks, Daniel Greene and Richard Whitney.
Ardith Starostka has exhibited and won awards
in an extensive list of international as well as national competitions
which include; the Art Renewal Center International Juried Show, the
Portrait Society of America’s International Portrait and Figurative
Competition, the International Guild of Realism Juried Competition and
the National Arts for The Parks Juried Competition, Oil Painters of
America International Annual Exhibition, National Oil and Acrylic
Painters Society National Exhibition and the Nebraska Biennial.
in an extensive list of international as well as national competitions
which include; the Art Renewal Center International Juried Show, the
Portrait Society of America’s International Portrait and Figurative
Competition, the International Guild of Realism Juried Competition and
the National Arts for The Parks Juried Competition, Oil Painters of
America International Annual Exhibition, National Oil and Acrylic
Painters Society National Exhibition and the Nebraska Biennial.
The artist has also been more recently featured in publications such as the International Artist magazine, Epoch Times, American Art Collector magazine, Southwest Art magazine, Plein Air magazine, Omaha Magazine and the Art and Freedom publication sponsored by the MEAM museum in Barcelona, Spain.
Many of her paintings that now grace the walls of collectors, corporations and museums across the United States.
The artist has lived in Nebraska all of her life and currently resides near Omaha.
Artist Statement
– “As an artist I have always been
drawn to capture the likeness and emotion of the human face and form.I
have worked in watercolor, pastels, charcoal, graphite and oils. My
preferred medium is oil and that is what I am currently focused on.
drawn to capture the likeness and emotion of the human face and form.I
have worked in watercolor, pastels, charcoal, graphite and oils. My
preferred medium is oil and that is what I am currently focused on.
Many of my paintings, such as Persephone, are inspired by my daughter Haley who began posing for me at the age of three.
Working from life is the preferred
method of painting but I often combine the live sessions with
photography as a reference to complete a painting.
method of painting but I often combine the live sessions with
photography as a reference to complete a painting.
I enjoy depicting the figure in
costume or in a setting that tells a story. In many of my current and
future pieces, I am combining the realistic figure with a touch of
surrealism to add another dimension to my work”.
costume or in a setting that tells a story. In many of my current and
future pieces, I am combining the realistic figure with a touch of
surrealism to add another dimension to my work”.

Ritratti e dipinti figurativi sono passione per l’artista Americano Ardith Starostka.
A partire dall’età di dodici anni,
Ardith Starostka ha avuto il desiderio di creare opere d’arte che
catturano la somiglianza del volto e della forma umana.
Ardith Starostka ha avuto il desiderio di creare opere d’arte che
catturano la somiglianza del volto e della forma umana.
Fondamentalmente autodidatta,
Starostka ha trovato la sua ispirazione nei musei attraverso le opere
del pittore accademico francese del XIX secolo William Adolphe Bouguereau e dell’artista olandese Rembrandt.
Starostka ha trovato la sua ispirazione nei musei attraverso le opere
del pittore accademico francese del XIX secolo William Adolphe Bouguereau e dell’artista olandese Rembrandt.
Starostka si è laureata presso l’Università del Nebraska con un Bachelor of Science in Business e un Associates degree in Art.
Starostka ha continuato la sua
formazione in belle arti frequentando workshop con artisti illustri,
Nelson Shanks, Daniel Greene e Richard Whitney.
formazione in belle arti frequentando workshop con artisti illustri,
Nelson Shanks, Daniel Greene e Richard Whitney.