Attualmente vive e lavora nell’Hampshire, Regno Unito.
Da quando Al si è laureato a Cardiff
con una laurea in Belle Arti, la figura umana è stata la sua principale
fonte di ispirazione.
con una laurea in Belle Arti, la figura umana è stata la sua principale
fonte di ispirazione.
I suoi dipinti sono composti di solito
da un’unica figura e, sebbene privi di narrativa ovvia, portano ai
nostri pensieri ed interpretazioni indagatori.
da un’unica figura e, sebbene privi di narrativa ovvia, portano ai
nostri pensieri ed interpretazioni indagatori.

I dipinti di Al hanno una qualità
duratura ed inquietante che evocano una connessione personale e
consentono molto all’interpretazione.
duratura ed inquietante che evocano una connessione personale e
consentono molto all’interpretazione.
Nel 2015 Al Saralis è stato nominato nella pubblicazione americana “Complex” del Top British Artist’s.
Al attualmente espone in numerose
gallerie nel Regno Unito e ha recentemente venduto opere a collezionisti
in Francia, Germania, Stati Uniti ed Australia.
gallerie nel Regno Unito e ha recentemente venduto opere a collezionisti
in Francia, Germania, Stati Uniti ed Australia.

British painter
Al Saralis was born and brought up in a Welsh mining town in the
Rhymney Valley, and his name derives from Greek ancestry. He now lives
and works in Hampshire UK.
Al Saralis was born and brought up in a Welsh mining town in the
Rhymney Valley, and his name derives from Greek ancestry. He now lives
and works in Hampshire UK.
Since Al graduated from Cardiff with a BA Hon Degree in Fine Art, the human figure has been his main source of inspiration.
His paintings are composed usually of a
single figure and, although stripped of obvious narrative, leads to our
own enquiring thoughts and interpretations.
single figure and, although stripped of obvious narrative, leads to our
own enquiring thoughts and interpretations.

Al’s paintings have an enduring and haunting quality that evoke a personal connection and allow much to interpretation.
– “I have always been interested in
the classical beauty of Renaissance painting, and this alongside my
fascination with the human form has led my work to develop to where it
is now.
the classical beauty of Renaissance painting, and this alongside my
fascination with the human form has led my work to develop to where it
is now.
Artists that I admire are wide and varied and are not necessarily artists whose work has many similarities to mine.
The most memorable works I have
seen recently were by an artist that I think really stands out as a
contemporary painter, Anselm Kiefer. His work deals with human
experience on a massive scale. I admire his honesty and integrity”.
seen recently were by an artist that I think really stands out as a
contemporary painter, Anselm Kiefer. His work deals with human
experience on a massive scale. I admire his honesty and integrity”.

“I regard myself as a figurative
painter but not a realist painter. The realism that I am interested in
is the emotional connection made when making or looking at a painting.
painter but not a realist painter. The realism that I am interested in
is the emotional connection made when making or looking at a painting.
My work has been described as being
able to conjure a feeling of spirituality and although I am not a
religious person I do believe there is an element of this in the work.
able to conjure a feeling of spirituality and although I am not a
religious person I do believe there is an element of this in the work.
I use a restricted number of models
to try and achieve my aim, which is to create something that is
beautiful as well as interesting, contemporary as well as classical;
something timeless”.
to try and achieve my aim, which is to create something that is
beautiful as well as interesting, contemporary as well as classical;
something timeless”.
In 2015 Al Saralis was named in the Top British Artist’s by USA publication “Complex”.
Al currently exhibits at a number of
galleries in the UK and has recently sold work to collectors in France,
Germany, USA and Australia.
galleries in the UK and has recently sold work to collectors in France,
Germany, USA and Australia.