is a form of divine guidance that relates to anyone towards their
pursuit of happiness in this world, but even more so, if you’re an

To create, you need a guiding light.

The more
inspiration you have, the more creative you are. It comes freely to
those who do what they love and agonizes those who follow undesired

If you are an artist, you require artistic fuel to ignite
the creative engine of your imagination to permeate the world with your
creations. Thus, imagination sets you free with endless creations, if
stroked by the spirit of art.   

Its only nemesis is frustration itself.   

In that regard, here are some basic concepts to keep in mind before looking for ways to become artistically inspired:

Firsthand Inspiration

Inspiration firsthand knowledge motivation traveling

physical action of acquiring direct personal experiences from the
environment on a given subject in order to get inspirational ideas to
bring about a creation in your part.  This concept also includes one’s
involvement in new activities for the purpose of stimulating ideas by
those actions.   

In this perspective, firsthand inspiration
allows a person to come up with his or her own direct understandings and
conclusions for the sake of inspiration.

Secondhand Inspiration

Secondhand Inspiration Learning Reading Movies

mental action of searching and gaining indirect experiences through
vicarious means by accepting other people’s ideas and discoveries with
the hope of finding new inspirational ideas of your own to help you

In this case, it means that one is trying to gain
inspiration from reading books, watching movies or learning about other
people point of views.   

This second approach is considered to be
more effective because one doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel on
something every time or travel 3,000 miles to experience or learn
something new. 

Trappings of Frustration

Frustration Stress Anxious Fears Signs Annoyed

feeling of not knowing what to do could drive a person’s mind to lower
levels of emotions, leading to frustration or worse.    

unfavorable emotions, whenever not addressed in time, could evolve into
stress, fear, and anxiety. If these negative factors escalate, one could
fall into a point of no return. This is where one’s personal hopes for
inspiration gets taken away.   

It’s essential that a person
continues to find more motivations from life, than life can take away
from him or her. That way, they can stay afloat towards their creative
goals and create much more as a result.  

Life is always going to
be there, whether one is facing it or not. Either way, it’s good to stay
on your toes for any curb balls that life might throw your way to keep
you unmotivated.  


envision existence itself as a public gallery full of artistic
creations, and you’re part of the overall presentation. You can inspire
or be inspired.   

If you find yourself seeking for artistic inspiration, try these steps:   

up each morning by telling yourself that today is a brand-new beginning
for you. Then, keep it up until it starts to become real for you. This
includes looking at things in your surroundings long enough till you
start noticing something new about them each day.

yourself in someone else shoes and try to see what they see. It might
broaden your horizons from the perspective of others. A simple shift of
view could go a long way in revealing new understanding about life that
could lead to new inspirations.   

Discover inspirational
quotes by reading books or articles that might resonate with you. Then,
place them around your home inside picture frames, so you can always be
reminded of such positive ideas or just make a long list of favorite
quotes, so you can refer to them whenever you’re feeling uninspired or
down. If they inspired you once, they might have the power to inspire
you again.   

Make a vision board of everything you would
like to accomplish in the near or far future. It can help you visualize
your thoughts and bring forth new realizations. This very action of
placing your personal goals onto a vision board can assist you in
freeing your thoughts to a certain extent where you don’t have to think
about them anymore, instead you get to look at them.   

new artistic elements to your home that appeals to you. Your home
decorations are an indirect reflection of you. If feasible, you might
want to transform your home into an embodiment of inspiration.

and organize your home as if it was a white-glove service whenever you
find it to be messy because it could have some negative influence upon
one’s mental state. If it is, there is no reason to feel bad about it,
life happens. Sometimes one is dealing with so much stress that one
tends to forget or feels too apathetic to do any chores. It’s just a
friendly reminder. Every person has had his or her ups and downs, but
it’s all about standing up again and moving forward with life. 

yourself a new hobby to get involved in, especially something entirely
different from what you would normally do as part of your own personal
growth. You can start doing yoga, hiking, swimming, golf, sailing,
painting, gardening, or anything else you might enjoy doing for fun. It
will expand and diversify your experiences in life, thus bringing in new

Visit your local animal shelter and adopt a
pet. It could be any animal of your choice, whether it’s a dog or a cat
or even fish from the pet store. It can be very uplifting and
therapeutic for an individual to have such an animal at home. If you
ever had a pet, you’ll know that animals sometimes can do the darnedest
things for attention or fun, which could contribute to your ideas.    

to the store and buy a lot of indoor plants based on what’s workable
for you and place them around your home. They are known to reduce
stress, have therapeutic benefits when one is working with them, or
change one’s overall attitude for the better by introducing them to your
daily life.   

Strive to always be yourself. It might be
surprising to some, but sometimes people unfortunately can become really
stressed out about being liked or admired by other people. Or they are
desperately trying to fit in somehow that they start forgetting who they
really are and become something else. So, there might be amazing
inspirations awaiting you by simply being yourself.   

Art plays an intricate part of existence, with inspiration as its basic foundation. 

Create and contribute your own aesthetic elements as you please, and leave your own artistic touch for the world to see. 

So, use it and set your creativity free.

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